Saturday, January 17, 2009

state-sponsored child rape

Ah. Nothing like enlightenment. The grand mufti of Saudi Arabia (pictured at left) has publicly promoted government-sanctioned child rape and enslavement? What a guy. This, my internet audience, is spiritual leadership.
Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh (Saudi Arabia's top cleric and grand muff) says... "A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her."

Really Sheik? Really? Unfair to her? Really? Some might say somewhat snarkily that every ten-year old girl dreams of the day she will be wedded to and bedded by an old goat like you, Sheik. Have no fear, child protectors! When "marriage" (I mean come on) happens to an eight year old girl, an enlightened society will insist that a forty-seven year old "husband" sign an agreement not to rape her before she is physically able to be raped.

...Virginia may be for lovers, but Saudi Arabia is apparently for pedophiles.......

Some might say these guys are living in the stone age, but I hesitate to judge their society for this type of thing. Isn't it ethnocentric of me to call this type of edict barbaric? I guess we would hear from moderate muslims of the world speak out against this if it were wrong or offended them. I'll make sure to post links to the justifiable outrage of the moderate muslim world leadership as soon as word is in about their reactions to this (and after they announce to the rest of the world who they are and why they have kept quiet for so long). I am also waiting to report for the outcry and outrage from our ever-vigilent child protectors, the liberal. Let's hear from the Polanskyites in Hollywood about this. When is the we americans lack tolerance and understanding drama coming about this one? I can see it now. We can call the picture, "Not Without My Child-Whore"

(I'm back... I threw up in my mouth a little bit and had to swallow... no literally... I am playing at being cavalier about this subject but it actually just made me physically ill)

On the positive side, I guess this will help out with recruiting. My understanding is that many virgins (I believe the exact count is specified) are available in heaven for the successful extremist, but why should one have to wait?

Some might throw their show at this, but this just seems kind of "wrong". Is it still OK to believe in "wrong"? I am interested in some feedback on this. I guess I will have to become more "tolerant" and adjust my world view to accomodate our stalwart compadres the Saudis.

All right, government sponsored child rape and pedophilia is in, but cracking open children's skulls to get access to their brains for dining is still out! (prohibition includes raw and cooked children's brains). I mean it. I am drawing a firm line in the swirling sand dune on this one. We have to have some standards. Don't we?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mean What You Say, Even if You Must Be Mean

The language we use helps us cope with the harsh realities we have trouble facing. Euphamisms obfuscate and misdirect. What happened to pain old stark speech?

George Carlin did a routine about how the relatively simple and straightforward term, "shellshock" became watered down over time to the inscrutable "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder". He argued that when it was called "shellshock" everybody know that the soldier had, over time, gone into shock by the explosions raining down around them.

Some have referred to this process as the "pussification" of our language. For those of you still paying attention, our official spoken and written language is still English.

So important are the words we choose and yet, who decides what the words mean? If I hurl the wrong expletive during the commission of a routine beating I am administering to some lout, the act has now been transformed from an old fashioned ass-wuppin' into a HATE CRIME.

George Orwell's works were rife with this theme. In his works, thought was controlled by controlling language. If there were no words to express a crime, the existence of crime would be controlled. 1984 and Animal Farm should be required reading for all.

Mean what you say, even if you have to be mean.

Friday, January 2, 2009

when is it time to push our precious snowflakes out of the nest?


After they are adults. When it doesn't happen, it can be understandable in certain circumstances..... to a point.

Parenting and child health has some interesting things to say about these relationships. Another article that introduced me to two new terms; "kiddults" and "adultescents" both specifically refer to this phenomenon. An Australian documentary series, The Nest refers to a guy who lives at home to maintain a certain lifestyle. His dad was interviewed for the show ironing his son's shirts.

What would you say to the father of the son who purchased (or leased) a luxury car while living at home? Let's assume the car was all about the status. What would you say to a live at home son who asked his dad to pay for an expensive wedding ring for his fiancee? What would you say to a dad who paid for the ring?

How is this kind of behavior going to help the child in the long run? In the long run, if your children aren't self-sufficient long before you are gone from the planet, then you have failed as a parent. ouch.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

our first affirmative action president

I am genuinely looking forward to finding out about just what kind of change we have ushered in to these United States at this critical juncture. I recently had the chance to sit down with my cousin, a very dear relative of mine who could not wait to pull the lever for now president-elect Obama. The question I posed to her after this revelation to me was this: "What were Obama's professional accomplishments?"

The only restrictions I put on the question were to disclude writing a book or getting elected to office.

She could not identify one. I chose not to kick her in the teeth by pointing out that his one legislation was a global handout in the form of hundreds of billions of dollars and packaged as "global poverty reduction" that did not pass.

I did point out that he voted "present" so many times instead of voting up or down.

She slightly sheepishly admitted that she had heard about that and made it be known to me that while she voted for Obama, she did not have the fervor and fury that some of her cohorts and compadres had for rushing the polling locations with their black panther friends.

To be clear, my cousin is a cognitive individual, and rare amongst the liberals I have known. To be fair, you could not paint her entirely with the "Liberal" brush although she leans that way.

I categorized her as a "intelligent somewhat liberal" at three in the morning after a spirited debate. I made sure she knew I did not mean "somewhat intelligent liberal" which is how most conversations with people I engage from the non-conservative viewpoint.

We went back and forth throughout the night on many issues, but mostly affirmative action. At the end of it all I think I was genuinely able to say that both my cousin and her husband heard my viewpoint and acknowledged that you cannot uphold equality by enforcing inequality. While there was a maintained position of affirmative action as a "necessary evil", I feel as if my point got across to them.

In the process, however, I frustrated her husband by repeatedly cutting him of when he was trying to make his point. Don't get me wrong here, his point was not as informed or well thought out as mine, but I was forced to admit that I have some growth areas to focus on in 2009.

I need to let the liberals make their point entirely and without cutting them off, even when I am excited and passionate and they could not be more wrong. Only after having been given the opportunity to fully and completely speak their peace with perfect freedom to be as wrong as possible should I speak up.

Thank you, cousin for the great time together. Thank you, my cousin's husband for the lesson on manners.

This blog is a dedication to my uncle. His fine conservative mind was a beacon of light for those who knew him. On his behalf I declare this digital creation a watchdog group and beacon for conservative principals and values.

Rest In Peace, uncle.

What is cognitive prattle?

To define what cognitive prattle is; it is important to define what it is not.

First, I made it up. This is my original work and concepts. No prattle will be someone else's cognitions without due reference. cognitive prattle is not capitalized. It just isn't. It's prattle. Go look it up. Prattle doesn't get capitialized. Nevertheless, I retain all rights and will vigorously defend said rights, bitch.

cognitive prattle is not organized. are your cognitions organized? of course not.

this is not about making myself feel better about me or the world. the world, (and myself for that matter) are going to hell in a handbasket, but is too long of a URL.

this will not be censored by anyone but me. if you find yourself censoring someone on this blog, and you are not me then you are not welcome to censor them. censor yourself, bitch.

this is censored. Rest assured, I will filter out all the stupid and random and meaningless crap you thoughtbarf into my cyberworld. rules of said censorship vary with time of day, mood, blood alcohol level and of course, my thetan level at any given time. If you think you might be thoughtbarfing, hold it in. Like the definition of pornography, a thoughtbarf is something that you know when you see it. keep your mental flotsam and jetsam out of my cognitive prattle.

Helpful hints for contributing include:
- Try not to sound crazy
- Stay on topic
- Don't be a whiner (liberals I cannot stress this enough)
- Do your research - assume I have thought about the topic more than you and have done my own research. (cause I probably have)

All that said, if you think you might have a thought to share, prattle your cognitions here!