Friday, September 4, 2009

No Apology Necessary : Van Jones

Well. What can be said about an administration that would put a man like "Van" Jones in charge of anything? You may not have heard about Van Jones if you are getting your news from ABC, CBS, NBC or the NY Times or the Washington Post.

Van Jones has apologized twice so far for making these comments. Why is he apologizing? The Obama administration has yet to unload this character (who hasn't created a single green job yet) and took to weakly defending him this week.

I don't need an apology from this man. The person doing the vetting at The White House should be apologizing (unless this is exactly the sort of person that Barack Obama wants in his administration). My impression is that this is exactly the sort of man Barack Obama wants in his administration.

Barack has had many documented connections to communism and communists, dating back to at least 1996. In eight months he has nationalized the banking and automotive industries less than six months after taking office. Who can deny what is happening in our country?

Currently, the federal government is in the process of trying to nationalize one sixth of what remains of our economy, the health care industry.Why should it surprise anyone that an avowed radical communist should be put in charge of "green job creation"? Van Jones's book, "The Green Collar Economy" suggests that poverty and the economic crisis can be solved by investment in a green economy.

The creation of "family-supporting, career-track job that directly contributes to preserving or enhancing environmental quality,” will be the basis for this "green collar" workforce. This sounds impressive if you don't think about it too hard.

The fundamental problem that I have with this vision is twofold. One, the technology does not yet exist to profitably transform our economy into a "green" workforce. For those of you who don't get it yet, consider that our banking system is bankrupt, unstable at best and not loaning any money. The banking system is currently propped up by our Federal government.

Therefore (Two), the money to create all of these "green" jobs will be leeched from those who haven't lost their jobs yet in the form of massive taxation and spending by the Federal (and perhaps state and local) governments. We are already in debt to the tune of ten trillion dollars (and this is before we extend health care to everybody in the country). Incidentally, this is the administration that recently got its figures wrong by a full twenty percent (two trillion dollars) without so much as an "oops, my bad" last week.

It should be clear that what is going on here is a massive redistribution of wealth via taxation. The IRS will be empowered and expanded to make sure your income is redistributed. For you lefties out there this is the definition of communism.

I hope nobody gets too bent out of shape by Van Jones. Of course he is a communist, racist America-hater. Of course. We elected a shady sleazy-ass Chicago politician with friends like Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko. Who is honestly surprised that he would bring a man like Van Jones into the White House? I don't need an apology from any of these people.

An apology for those of you who dumbasses who voted for Obama will be entertained.

A final note for those of you who want to do some more research on the matter can find a particularly interesting take on "Obama's Friends".

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