Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Obama the 4th Best President EVER... in his mind

From Politico.....

"You have got to be kidding. … After destroying the American economy, tripling the national deficit, blowing a trillion dollars on a failed stimulus plan and nearly doubling the unemployment rate, Barack Obama told “60 Minutes” last week that he considered himself the 4th best president in US history. Unbelievable. (Is this guy out to lunch or what?),"

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/70684.html#ixzz1h6GvFrPX

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A "Movement" in the Wrong Direction

An angry, angry "occupier" needs Starbucks too to get going in the morning.

The occupy movement. What can be said? I have been letting my thoughts about this "movement" steep. First of all, what part of humanity would make it their mission to "occupy? IN all of the known world, is there not a more nobler pursuit than to merely exist somewhere where a person is not wanted?

The "occupy" movement is an incoherent mass of the undesired members of our society. In the animal kingdom, the term is "parasite". This group of people feel as if society owes them something that they have not received. This is called "entitlement". Here is an example of person who feels entitled.

There are now two camps in the United States: 1) The tax payers 2) The tax eaters. According to recent numbers, over 50% of households in the U.S. either don't pay taxes at all or receive government assistance (welfare) of some sort. You don't have to be educated to understand that one half of the U.S cannot pay for the other half for very long before we collapse.

Additionally, for the first time ever, Washington D.C. has the highest median income of any place in these United States. I should not have to point out that politicians don't produce anything for the economy. They are part of the "Tax Eater" group I was referring to earlier. How is it possible that there are so many of them sucking so much from our purplish governmental tit that they out earn the rest of the regions in the United States? The Obama administration has doubled the number of federal workers who make more than $150,000 in the last two years. This is insane. I once got into an argument with an unthinking liberal who insisted that the government created jobs. If you are getting paid through tax money, you are a "tax eater".

We live in the most entitled country on Earth. We are in the active process of entitling ourselves out of a civilization. The temptation is to wring our hands and ask ourselves, "How did we get here?". While the answer of that question seems fairly obvious to me, a more important question is, "Can we pull out of this nosedive?", and the follow up question, "How?"

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Growing Up

Part of the pain of adoloscence is realizing that you are not a perfect entity. Another aspect of adolescence is realizing that your parents are not perfect.

We still live in a society where some believe that government is the solution to all of the problems in society. This kind of thinking has worked poorly for California and the United States in general.

To have a benevolant government "help" rammed down my throat whether I want it or not seems like an intrusion. Thank you, my government for screwing with health care so that my insurance company wants to charge me $690 for a prescription refill. They covered the prescription last year, but for some reason changed it in January of 2011.

Thomas Jefferson once said, "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."