- Pedophile
- Surgical self-disfigurement
- Self-loathing
- Bizarre narcissism
- Drug addict
Now with all of these qualities, why should the fact that he was an original and gifted musician make these OK?
Michael was so addicted to drugs, he was taking anaesthesia to sleep. What "normal" (read: not a drug-addict) person takes sedatives to sleep? I am sure there are legions of people to make excuses for Michael. In 2007 a pharmacy filed a lawsuit against him for not paying his bill totalling $101,926.66. Jackson was eating one meal a day, his hips, thighs and shoulders were riddled with needle wounds that were likely the result of narcotic painkillers. The only thing in his stomach were partially digested pills.
Michael Jackson was an adult. His handlers don't have any responsibility for keeping him alive. We are responsible for the choices we make, yet Michael won't be in the ground long before his family files a rainbow of lawsuits against a legion of targets. Where was his family when he was swirling the drain? Have they no shame? If he was anything other than a meal ticket to them, perhaps they might feel some responsibility for how Michael ended up.
Nevertheless, Michael Jackson is a perfect example of a tragic life, not a tragic death. He spent his money frivolously, engaged in cosmetic surgery frivolously. His death was not a "tragedy". It was completely predictable. This man had so little regard for his children that he dangled poor "blanket" off a balcony railing for the paparazzi.
This freak of humanity pursued material belongings and earthly pleasures as a way of life. Remember the hyperbaric sleeping chamber and the chimp? The only people surprised by how Michael Jackson ended were the ones deluding themselves about what kind of person he was.
This said, what is wrong with our culture that this kind of person should be celebrated, even worshipped? Soon Michael Jackson will be in the ground, and I can't wait to move on. I am sure that bizarre drug addicted pedophiles die every day somewhere on Earth, but I cannot understand why a bizarre drug-addicted talented pedophile should warrant a parade of mourning. Our culture is sick. I hope that we can heal ourselves, but it starts with being honest with ourselves.
Michael Jackson was dead long ago. He can now only offer humanity a reminder that fame and money mean nothing. Loving our loved ones and giving of ourselves in the form of time or treasure are the only pursuits worth pursuing.